Sunday Cycle 15th Sep departs Watergrasshill National School at earlier time of 08:30. 90km.

Sunday Cycle 15th Sep departs Watergrasshill National School at 08:30. Distance = 90 km. Note the earlier departure time of 08:30. RSVP if going (WhatsApp Poll) There will be two groups depending on numbers.  Coffee Stop in Mace Rathcormac. Route Details are available at: or The routes above will be shortened by not cycling in towards Fermoy from Read More …

Saturday cycle 7th Sep departs WGH NS 08:30. 75 km. Club BBQ that evening.

Saturday cycle 7th Sep departs Watergrasshill National School at 08:30.  Distance = 75 km. Heading Mitchelstown, Glanworth, Ballyhooly middle climb, WGH. Coffee Stop Mitchelstown. RSVP if going (WhatsApp Poll) Route details are available at: or Reminder: Club BBQ being held Saturday evening from 18:30 at The Hut Bar. Wednesday evening cycles have concluded Read More …