Membership / New Members

Are you looking to improve your fitness and make new friends? Your local cycle club can provide both.

We welcome new members all year round. We now meet at the National School in Watergrasshill Village and generally travel around the greater environs of North and East Cork.

The circuits are rolling for the most part, with the odd stiff climb here or there but nothing that can’t be taken care of with a couple of minutes break in the chat before the road flattens again. Weekday and weekend rides generally take place within this area.

New members are requested to join via introductory Sunday spins first as they are generally shorter and of moderate pace. These supervised cycles will also allow you become comfortable cycling within a group. As you develop you will likely join us for the longer Saturday runs and quicker Wednesday evenings. We have experienced cyclists who will help you transition from solo cycling to cycling safely and enjoyably in a group. The guiding ethos is that “no one is left behind” on a Club cycle. The Sunday spin and most Saturday spins feature a Coffee Stop which brings an additional enjoyable social element to the Club spin.

If you would like to cycle with our club on a regular basis, you will be required to join Over The Hill Cycling Club and apply for Cycling Ireland membership after your first three spins. This is to ensure that all cyclists have mandatory third party insurance cover.

Summer Schedule: April to October (Departing from the National School)
Wednesday 19:00
Saturday 08:00 – 09:00 (depending on distance)
Sunday 09:00
Winter Schedule: November – March (Departing from the National School or Little Island depending on Road Conditions)
Saturday 08:30 (subject to road conditions)
Sunday 09:00
Tuesday and Thursday 19:30 Turbo-Training from January – April (Virtually via Zwift Platform)

Additional Details for New Members

Prospective new members are welcome to try the club out for three introductory spins before deciding if they wish to join and also to get some experience of cycling safely in a group. Membership is open to Men and Women over the age of 18 years. Helmets are mandatory.

The club operates a levels structure to try and accommodate cyclists of different abilities. As a guide: if you can cycle 50K in approx 2 hours 20 minutes you will be able to stay with a group on a Sunday cycle.

The supervised introductory spins are run on Sundays and start from the National School in Watergrasshill Village at 9 am. Nobody will be left unaccompanied on these cycles.

Experienced cyclist(s) will accompany each group.

Let us know in advance when you plan to attend, or use the Contact Form on this Website.

For more experienced cyclists there is the option of taking part in longer spins on Saturdays once they can demonstrate they are proficient in group cycling.

Membership now runs for the Calendar Year and typically expires on 31st December in the year of joining. In 2024 Club membership is 40 Euro for adult members (20 Euro for partners) and Cycling Ireland Affiliation / Licence (which brings mandatory third party insurance cover) is 61 Euro for a Leisure Licence. Optional Personal Accident Insurance is an additional 10 Euro for the year. Additional Cycling Ireland Licences for competitive cyclists are also available.

Total = 101 Euro (for 2024) which is payable on completion of the three introductory cycles and joining.

Road Bikes with Drop (narrow) handlebars are a requirement (see picture below). It is not possible to take part in group cycles on Hybrid or Mountain Bikes, as these have wider handlebars which are not suitable for group cycling. Road Bikes with electric motors (E-Bikes with drop handlebars) are allowed. Tribars or Aerobars (bike handlebar extensions with padded forearm rests that allow the rider to get into a more aerodynamic position) are not allowed in group cycles for safety reasons.

Drop Handlebars (Required)

Tribars (Not allowed in group cycles)

Members joining the club agree to comply with the “Rules of the Road”. 

If you have any additional queries please contact the Club Secretary using the email address above or use the Contact Form on this website

Looking forward to seeing you on an upcoming Sunday.

Useful Links for New Members

The Club Facebook Page has regular updates on upcoming activities and photos from club spins.

The club also have a WhatsApp group and Email distribution list for communication amongst members.

A New Member Application Form (to be used in conjunction with the Cycling Ireland portal) is available at the following Link:  OTH CC_SHORT_APPLICATION FORM_19-Sep-2018

Once submitted this application goes for review by the Club Committee.

The Cycling Ireland website is available at:

The Cycling Ireland membership portal which can be used to register with Cycling Ireland and to make all payments is available at:

Personal Information

Over The Hill Cycling club will only request Personal Information that is required by Cycling Ireland for membership purposes and to support communication with members on club activities. The personal information that is requested is described on the club membership application form. Current communication mechanisms include email, WhatsApp messaging and Text (SMS) messaging.

Personal Information held by Cycling Ireland

If you are a new Cycling Ireland member you log into the Cycling Ireland Membership system HERE and create your own profile, selecting the club you wish to join. The club official will get a notification and approve your request to join. Your information will now appear in Cycling Ireland club official’s profile on the membership system. This personal information can only be used for the purpose of valid activities relating to the club and not for external marketing reasons. Your information will be held for 7 years in line with the statutory limitations in Cycling Ireland. Even if your membership has lapsed you can log into your profile at any stage and either request to be transferred out of the club or to renew your licence.

In Case of Emergency information

Cycling Ireland members store their “In Case of Emergency” (ICE) contact information in their profile on the Cycling Ireland portal. This information can be accessed only by Cycling Ireland designated officials, or by the designated club officials in their club.

Over The Hill CC Club members are strongly encouraged to have ICE contact information available on club spins and solo cycles in the form of a Safety Bracelet or accessible from a lock screen on a smart phone.

Safety Bracelets can be purchased directly from Cycling Ireland for a modest fee.

Cycling Ireland and GDPR

More details on General Data Processing Regulation (GDPR) applicable to Cycling Ireland can be found at:

Social Media

Photographs of club members involved in club related activities and names of the associated club members may be posted on the Club Facebook Page and Club Website to record club related activities. This data will be limited to your name, details of your achievement and race results (if applicable). Tagging of the photographs on Facebook may also be performed.

Club Meeting Point

Watergrasshill National School: